[vc_row el_class=”pad-top pad-bottom”][vc_column width=”5/12″][oscar_text_block font_family=”font2bold” font_size=”42px” line_height=”52px”]Less talk, more content[/oscar_text_block][/vc_column][vc_column width=”2/12″][/vc_column][vc_column width=”5/12″][oscar_text_block font_family=”font2light” font_size=”18px” letter_spacing=”2px” line_height=”32px” font_case=”uppercase” font_wt=””]MEER CONTENT MARKETING OM JE BEDRIJF TE LATEN GROEIEN[/oscar_text_block][/vc_column][/vc_row]
[oscar_text_block font_family=”font2bold” font_size=”42px” line_height=”52px”]Bewust zijn van hoe klanten digitaal gebruiken in hun dagelijks leven[/oscar_text_block]

Noem het “Wandelen in de schoenen van klanten”; “Mensgerichte marketing”; luisteren met ‘Het derde oor’ of ‘Empathische marketing’; de kernfilosofie is – in staat zijn om verder te kijken dan wat keukenkopers zeggen en om de emotionele behoeften van klanten of de verborgen betekenis achter hun bewuste gedachten over het kopen van een keuken te ontdekken en te begrijpen.

[oscar_text_block font_family=”font2bold” font_size=”42px” line_height=”52px”]Keukens in een nieuw kader plaatsen is iets buitengewoon krachtigs[/oscar_text_block] [oscar_text_block font_family=”font2bold” font_size=”42px” line_height=”52px”]De kracht om dingen te herdefiniëren — te begrijpen dat onze ervaringen, kosten, dingen in feite niet zozeer afhangen van wat ze werkelijk zijn, maar van hoe we ze zien[/oscar_text_block]
[oscar_text_block font_family=”font2bold” font_size=”42px” line_height=”52px”]SOMS IS HET MAKKELIJKER GEDAAN DAN GEZEGD[/oscar_text_block]
[oscar_text_block font_family=”font2bold” font_size=”42px” line_height=”52px”]For good measure[/oscar_text_block]

Emotional Experiences help kitchen brands forge emotional connections with customers.

Of course, analyzing emotions is always a bit more complex than processing numbers. Therefore, the best approach is to identify the most relevant attributes and cluster them along the lines of micro-segmentation.


[oscar_text_block font_family=”font2bold” font_size=”42px” line_height=”52px”]DOWNLOAD ONZE GRATIS MAGAZINE, VUL DE VEREISTE INFORMATIE IN[/oscar_text_block] [email-download-link namefield=”YES” id=”2″] [insta-gallery id=”1″]


Optimaal benut?

Your reputation gets damaged and

you start losing sales


This ability to be “relevant at scale” will determine which kitchen retail or brand win and which get lost in the war for consumer attention.

So, in an ever changing world, how do you ensure your brand and customer communications stays relevant?

In 2019, a kitchen retail is a glass box. Outsiders can easily see inside. They can see the people and the processes. They can see the kitchens values. They can even see what the people inside the box feel about what they’re delivering. You already intuitively know the reason for that profound change. It’s thanks to the radical transparency made possible by digital media.

But why is that such a powerful shift in what it means for you as a kitchen brand?

The sales funnel is dead:

Long live the kitchen buyer journey